Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Roman Times Newspaper !

An Article Written by the Famous Reporter:
Gaius Barrius Super

Post #5

My friendship with Augustus' friend and political advisor, Maecenas, has deepened. He is my sponsor and has generously bought me a peaceful and beautiful Sabine farm. I thank you greatly Maecenas. I've been devoting more of my time to writing, also thanks to my sponsor/friend Maecenas. My new home is giving me a chance to relax and enjoy the pleasures of life. "In Rome you long for the country; in the country – oh inconstant! – you praise the distant city of stars." I've published Satires (book II) and my iambic poem collections: Epodes. The first three books of Odes (which is adressed to you Maecenas) has also been published. And of course, everyone's favorite quote : "carpe diem" showed up in the hexameter book: Epistles.

Thanks for all the support! Life is going great!

Post #4

I have found hope. I now have a job as the clerk of the treasury. I have also begun writing satires (a form of humorous writing used to criticize people, issues, etc.) for extra money. I'm in the midst of writing Epistles (attacking social abuses) and also Satires (my rejection of public life in hexameter verse.)

Post #3

Okay...we lost the civil war. So I'm returning to Italy hopeless and penniless. My wonderful father has passed away. :( And my home has been confiscated for supporting Brutus. Can things get any worse? Well, its time to try to seek Augustus' favor...(which is NOT kissing up, by the way!)

He was born a slave. Rather than sulking around, this courageous man later worked as a tax collecter. He earned enough money to buy a home and raise and teach his son (that would be me.) He was not only a father, he was an educator and moral advisor. I miss and love you dear father, and I hope to see somewhere good in the realm of Pluto.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Post #2

Julius Caesar is dead! I finally gained the rank of military tribune (tribunus militum) in Brutus' army. May the Gods bring us victory!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Post #1

I’m 19 years old and continuing my studies of philosophy in Athens. Thanks dad for getting me this far!