Annotated Bibliography

No Author. “Ancient Rome.” Ancient Rome,, 8 May 2011.
Description: Secondary Source, includes architecture, religion, people, etc.

Apicius, THE CLASSICAL COOKBOOK. The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles. Trans. Andrew Dalby and Sally Grainger, 1996.

Description: A delectable primary source recipe.

Boardman John, Griffin Jasper, Murray Oswyn. The Oxford History of the Classical World. New York: Oxford University Press, 1986.
Description: Secondary source describing Horace’s poetry and relationships

Carr Karen, “Roman Restaurants,” Kidipede,, 8 May 2011.
Description: Secondary Source, describes Roman fast food restaurants

No Author. “Circus Maximus,” A View on Cities,, 8 May 2011.
Description: Secondary source, a brief description on Circus Maximus.

Drinkwater JF, Drummond Andrew, Ed. The World of the Romans. New York: Oxford University Press, 1986.
Description: A secondary source, brief summary of Horace including his personality.

Gill N.S. "5 Worst Roman Emperors," Ancient/Classical History,, 18 May 2011.

Description: A secondary source describing the worst emperors.

Horace, EPISTLES, Trans. Moncur Michael,, 18 May 2011.

Description: Great quotes of Horace.

Lawall Gilbert, Ed. Ecce Romani I, Boston: Pearson Education, Inc., 2009
Description: Secondary source, our Latin book which gives information on the clothing.

Quintus Horatius Flaccus, Quotes by Horace. The World of the Romans. Drinkwater JF, Drummond Andrew, Ed. 1986.
Description: A primary source, it is a book including quotes by Horace.

No Author. “The Roman Baths,” Ancient Rome for Kids,, 8 May 2011.
Description: Secondary source, brief description on public baths.

Liukkonen Petri. “Horace,” Books and Writers,, 8 May 2011.
Description: Secondary source, a good description of Horace’s life.