Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Post #5

My friendship with Augustus' friend and political advisor, Maecenas, has deepened. He is my sponsor and has generously bought me a peaceful and beautiful Sabine farm. I thank you greatly Maecenas. I've been devoting more of my time to writing, also thanks to my sponsor/friend Maecenas. My new home is giving me a chance to relax and enjoy the pleasures of life. "In Rome you long for the country; in the country – oh inconstant! – you praise the distant city of stars." I've published Satires (book II) and my iambic poem collections: Epodes. The first three books of Odes (which is adressed to you Maecenas) has also been published. And of course, everyone's favorite quote : "carpe diem" showed up in the hexameter book: Epistles.

Thanks for all the support! Life is going great!


  1. Horace, I absolutley adored your Epodes. It was a very fasinating and intresting read! Keep writing, you a superb!
